[ Boob·tionary ] : Over 1,000 Words And Counting!
Boobtionary.com is an absurd and slightly offensive site that I built after watching an episode of Coupling on BBC America one day.
The character Jeff refers to Hors d’oeuvre as “things with sort of things on them…”, which prompts the main character Steve to say “And yet you have 3,000 words for breasts…” to which Jeff replies “AND COUNTING!”.
I thought to myself…there should really be a website that lists words for breasts…
And amazingly enough, there wasn’t! Thus was born Boobtionary.com a dictionary for boob words (well technically a Thesaurus when you get right down to it, but boobthesaurus.com doesn’t really have the same ring to it).
I spent a long afternoon scouring the Interwebs for boob words…made a spreadsheet of 1,000 of them. Then uploaded them into a mySQL database and threw up that simple site.
It does a few things, like suggest 10 random boob words, as well as give you an alphabetical list. I was going to build in the ability to suggest a new word, but there’s only so long a person can stay interested in working on such a stupid site.
Anyway…it’s obscene and demeaning to women but it still cracks me up…